The Elephant in the Brain
The Elephant in the Brain by Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson takes an interesting look at why we really do the things we do. They unpack the hidden motives in everyday life and make you question them.
Little Sponge
I’ve been teaching young children for a while now and it amazes me how much they absorb. They are paying more attention than I first thought, and they take in everything that the people they look up to do.
Transactional Analysis
Transactional Analysis is a term coined by psychiatrist Eric Byrne and is used to refer to the study of any interaction between two people. He created the structure of transactional analysis to study human behaviour.
Steal Like An Artist
There is no such thing as an original idea, we should use what’s been done before and put our own spin on it.
Emotional Agility
“The way we navigate our inner world - our everyday thoughts, emotions, experiences, and self-stories - is the most important determinant of our life success.”
Naval Ravikant’s Tweetstorm on wealth creation is a helpful guide on where to focus your time and what to prioritise in order to gain financial freedom.
Mind Games
Taking a look at three psychological experiments that tell us a lot about social interaction and the human condition.