Byron Grealy Byron Grealy

Decentralized Socials

Social Media and how we use it is starting to change. Web3 might just be the thing that helps us own our online identities.

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Byron Grealy Byron Grealy

6 Ways Successful People Spend Their Time

This episode was about 6 ways successful people spend their time. Now, this wasn’t just a list of 6 ways successful people spend their time to give us an insight into their lives, but rather comparing the ways most of us spend our time and the small changes we can make to focus on achieving our goals.

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Byron Grealy Byron Grealy

Hill Climbing

The post basically makes a comparison to what we want to do in life and the mathematical optimization technique called Hill Climbing used in iterative algorithms. If we view our careers as hills, and there are many hills out there that we could possibly climb, then it makes sense to say that we would want to climb the highest hill we can.

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Byron Grealy Byron Grealy


I’ve been thinking about balance and whether it’s important to have it in our lives all the time. I think there’s a whole lot of factors that can determine whether you lead a balanced lifestyle, and I think my routine and life was balanced up until recently. That’s why it’s been on my mind, I’ve started focusing on one thing more than others and I’ve slipped up on many things because of it. I don’t tend to be hard on myself when it happens because that isn’t helpful, but I needed to explain it to myself to determine whether it’s the right thing or not.

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Byron Grealy Byron Grealy

Difficult Conversations

Something that makes me nervous is having difficult conversations. I’m trying to work on it and have the confidence to speak my mind even though it may induce some anxiety. I came across a conversation between Sheila Heen, the author of Difficult Conversations, and Tim Ferris on his podcast. The way she presented her ideas and tactics when approaching a difficult conversation made it seem easier. She helped me put things in perspective and think about both people in the discussion. I thought I’d go over my key takeaways from their conversation.

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Byron Grealy Byron Grealy


Problems procrastinated on are always amplified and if we can overcome our procrastination by implementing these seven steps, then we will be on our way to greatness.

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Byron Grealy Byron Grealy

9 Tips to Face Discomfort

We are only able to grow by doing things that are uncomfortable, but it isn’t always easy. It’s easier to come up with excuses and convince yourself that it isn’t important. Jay Shetty recently released a podcast episode where he gave nine tips on how to do uncomfortable things. I thought I’d try and relate them to myself and see what I need to work on.

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