The Isolation Journals
The Isolation Journals was started by Suleika in March 2020 just as the pandemic started. She saw so many people struggling with loneliness and anxiety from this new way of living and she was reminded of what got her through her toughest times.
Bo Burnham: Inside
In the spirit of Covid, he decided to lock himself in his apartment, which looks more like a garden shed, and make a comedy special. He had no idea how long it would take, just like we had no idea how long this pandemic would last. In his solitude, he created something that I found to be mind-blowing.
Greg Mckeown wrote Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less to help us declutter our lives and focus on what’s important. It’s about figuring out what really is important to us and helps us understand that we do a lot of things to keep up appearances. Time is finite and only good things can come from focusing on what we really need to do rather than feel obliged to do.
Useful Advice
Last year I read Kevin Kelly’s 68 bits of Unsolicited advice and found it helpful and applicable to me. He published 99 additional bits of unsolicited advice for his birthday and they were just as good as last year.
I plan to dive a little deeper into the projects that have caught my eye over the last few months. These Dapps and Blockchains show the scope of this technology and as always, this is for me to learn more about these projects and help me explain what exactly I’m putting my money into.
Smart Chains
Carrying on from my last post about Bitcoin and Ethereum, I wanted to talk more about the other smart contract platforms that could and are competing with Ethereum. Each one is unique and the leaders of some of these projects initially started Ethereum in 2013.