Byron Grealy Byron Grealy

6 Ways Successful People Spend Their Time

This episode was about 6 ways successful people spend their time. Now, this wasn’t just a list of 6 ways successful people spend their time to give us an insight into their lives, but rather comparing the ways most of us spend our time and the small changes we can make to focus on achieving our goals.

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Byron Grealy Byron Grealy

Indistractable by Nir Eyal

I needed a bit of a push to get these distractions under control, and that’s where Nir Eyal’s book Indistractable comes to the rescue. It’s simply written, well-structured and flows from one section to the next. It even has actionable steps after each chapter to get you to actually put what Eyal suggests into action.

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Byron Grealy Byron Grealy


Greg Mckeown wrote Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less to help us declutter our lives and focus on what’s important. It’s about figuring out what really is important to us and helps us understand that we do a lot of things to keep up appearances. Time is finite and only good things can come from focusing on what we really need to do rather than feel obliged to do.

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Byron Grealy Byron Grealy

The 80/20 Principle

The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch is about focussing on what brings the most value to us in all aspects of life. He addresses the corporate world, our jobs, and many facets of our personal lives.

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Byron Grealy Byron Grealy

Ego is The Enemy

Ego is defined as “your idea or opinion of yourself, especially your feeling of your own importance and ability”, and we all have one. It seems to get in the way of many aspects of our lives and yet we can’t seem to shake it.

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Byron Grealy Byron Grealy


Forming habits is tricky and James Clear’s Atomic Habits helped me do just that.

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Byron Grealy Byron Grealy

My Year In Review

I attempted the Year Reviews of Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal and Jim Collins. I found it to be a productive way to start the New Year.

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Byron Grealy Byron Grealy

The Tip of The Iceberg

I have just discovered the tip of the iceberg when it comes to productivity, learning and success. This is how I came across these inspirational people and the wealth of information they have to offer. This is the beginning of a long journey.

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